Instead of expanding services in our public hospitals, the Ford government is giving hundreds of millions in public dollars to for-profit corporations to privatize health care.
As he announced his plan to privatize, Mr. Ford promised we would never have to pay for care with our credit card, only our OHIP card. But his government is letting private clinics get away with charging Ontarians for health care, which is illegal under our Protection of Public Medicare laws.
Raise the alarm to stop the Ford government's accelerating health care privatization
"I wouldn’t have spoken out, if I hadn’t heard Premier Ford say these private clinics won’t charge you extra. It feels like it’s my public duty to say that’s not true."
Lois Cooper was referred to a for-profit clinic for eye surgery. Under the Canada Health Act, patients can’t be charged user fees for medically needed surgery. But by the time it was all done, Lois was charged close to $8,000.
All across the country, the majority of Canadians oppose the privatization of our health care. The opposition is especially strong here in Ontario.
Because of people like you helping to spread the word. Together, we reached over a million Ontarians - sharing leaflets, reports and social media in 2023. More than 400,000 participated in our referendum to tell Doug Ford to stop the privatization of our health care.
We've accomplished a lot. Our efforts are making a difference, but we can't stop now.
Our goal is to reach two million Ontarians in the next two months with leaflets. That is one in seven people.
There are local health coalitions across Ontario that will coordinate the distribution of the leaflets. Where there is no local coalition, we are asking for a volunteer to have leaflets for people to pick up. Please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Distribution ideas include:
Leafletting at markets, fairs, events, street tables, parks, and the like
Leafletting in as many workplaces and community groups as possible